Monday, July 4, 2016

Red, White, Blue, and GREEN on the 4th of July!

It's the 4th of July -- on of my favorite holidays!  So how can we make the 4th of July red, white, blue, and green?  Sure, you could forgo the home fireworks, serve organic food, and use re-useable plates and silverware.  But here's what I suggest for a REALLY patriotic 4th:   
  1. choose an environmental issue that’s near and dear to your heart
  2. find a 15 minute slot of time
  3. write a letter or e-mail to your local, state, or federal representative, telling them your opinion about the environmental issue
  4. head out and enjoy the festivities, knowing you’ve participated in a truly patriotic 4th of July!
Have a fun and green 4th of July!

fairfax va 4th of july

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